Wednesday, June 9, 2010

But I digress...

A small note that has nothing to do with CKS, although it may be the real reason he traveled solo. 
As much as I enjoy having Rod along for the trip, there is a small annoyance whenever we travel together:
When you are traveling on a heavily laden motorcycle, people tend to ask where you are headed, and where you have been. Starting at Tim Hortons in Dayton, while I was typing the last post, and throughout the next few weeks, I will have the following conversation approximately 18 million times:
Well-meaning stranger: Where you coming from?
Me: Baltimore
WMS: That's a long way! Where YOU coming from?
Rod: Toronto.
WMS: HOLY CRAP!!!!! You rode all the way here from Toronto?!?!?!??!!1!!!

Toronto may be in another country, but it is not, in fact, on the moon.
It is 440 miles from Toronto to Dayton, where we met up.If you take the quick route, which I didn't, it's 491 miles from Baltimore to Dayton. So wherever we travel from here on out, I have gone at least 51 miles farther, and am, thus, 51 miles better than Rod.
It's not the biggest deal in the world, but I am a very petty person.
A very petty person who has traveled farther than Rod. 


  1. Goddammit, that's RIGHT! Rod's a frickin' WHUSS!!

  2. Well, let's not go overboard.
    He is riding a motorcycle across the country. I'm just riding across slightly more of the country.
